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Monthly Archives: August 2018

DNA helps solve McClure first name mystery

Published August 26, 2018

It’s been awhile since your “Roots & Branches” columnist had heard from C. Arnold McClure, so it was a welcome thing to get an e-mail update from him. “I wrote to you some years ago about my experience with DNA tests,” McClure began. “I also sent you a copy of my book that you called …

As I’ve worked through the just-completed series reminiscing about my genealogy curriculum, I’ve been waiting patiently to publish a few of my frequent correspondent Rick Bender’s newspaper finds. Following up on last week’s “Roots & Branches” column that admitted I omitted newspapers from that curriculum seems like a good time to do that. Bender has …

Of course, this “Roots & Branches” series comparing genealogy today with the continuing ed course I taught about it in 1991 wouldn’t be complete without talking about newspapers. Which is more ironic than I care to admit – because I didn’t mention newspapers at all in that course a quarter century ago! Now having written …

What a trip down memory lane this summer of “Roots & Branches” columns has been! For those who haven’t been reading the series every week, I’ve been reflecting back on the first time I taught a genealogy class – a continuing education course for the Lebanon Campus of Harrisburg Area Community College in 1991. This …